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Publié le 18.07.2024 à 15:35

Rapport de séance du Conseil Communal 28.03.24


Meeting of the Municipal Council held on 28 March 2024

“Public-Viewing” in the summer on the Place des Martyrs



1. Approval of the agenda:

2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

3.Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

4.Fixed-term contract, intellectual employee (m/f), treatment group A-2, scientific and technical sub-group:
Creation of the post

5.List of requests for rights of pre-emption:
a) discussion (closed session)
b) decision (public session)

6. Equal Opportunities Committee: (closed session)
Appointment of a member

7. Appointment to the post of coordinator (m/f) Pakt vum Zesummeliewen (Charter for Living Together): (closed session)

Present: Lou Linster, Mayor, Vanessa Baldassarri ép. Demoling , Alderman, Jean-Pierre Roemen, Alderman
Councillors: Nathalie Entringer, Patrick Calmus, Marcel Jakobs, Denise Copette ép. Conrardy as from Item 2, Sandrine Pompidou,
Absent (excused): Philippe Wilmes
Municipal Secretary: Marc Thill

1. Approval of the agenda:
The agenda is unanimously approved.

2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

Mayor Lou Linster informs those present that Leudelange signed the “Pakt vum Zesummeliewen” the previous day, making it, along with twelve other municipalities, one of the first signatories to this charter. As the “Brasserie an der Eech” is not yet operational during the summer months, the
Mayor added that the Municipality is organising a series of “Public Viewing” events on the Place des Martyrs from 5 to 14 July 2024, in collaboration with the Sports Committee and various Leudelange associations. During this week, it will be possible to follow European football championship matches live, as well as certain stages of the Tour de France. Two films will also be shown.

3. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:
No questions were put to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen.

4. Fixed-term contract, intellectual employee (m/f), salary group A-2, scientific and technical sub-group:
Creation of the post
Due to an absence through illness, a call for tenders was launched for a post limited to one year. All the Councillors agree.

5. List of requests for rights of pre-emption:
a) Discussion (closed session)
The Municipal Council discusses a right of pre-emption over land in the Rue de Bettembourg in closed session.
a) Decision (public session)
The Municipal Council is not asserting its right of pre-emption over several plots of land and buildings on the Rue de Bettembourg.

6. Equal Opportunities Committee: (closed session)
Appointment of a member
Mr Tom Oswald is elected a member of the Equal Opportunities Committee.

7. Appointment to the post of coordinator (m/f) Pakt vum Zesummeliewen (closed session)

Mrs Sylvia Frantzen is appointed to the post of coordinator of the “Pakt vum Zesummeliewen.