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Publié le 18.07.2024 à 15:39

Rapport de séance du Conseil communal du 06.06.24


Meeting of the Municipal Council held on 6 June 2024

“Leitbild” (Mission Statement) for the Municipality of Leudelange approved



Approval of the agenda:




Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:




Climate Pact:

  1. Leitbild 2024 Municipality of Leudelange, adoption
  2. Municipal Procurement Charter, adoption



Approval of several sale agreements in relation to the installation of a cycle path:

  1. Sale agreement, part of parcel 245/5797 (6)
  2. Sale agreement, part of parcel 203/6281 (7)
  3. Sale agreement, part of parcels 207/6254 (8) and 208/6255 (9)




Approval of the estimate for conversions at the “an der Eech” cultural and social centre:

Approval of the estimate concerning the following works:

  • Redevelopment of the brasserie and kitchen on the ground floor
  • Extension of the kitchen on the first floor
  • Extension of the music society’s rehearsal room




Music school:

Provisional school organisation 2024 / 2025, approval




Youth centre, statement 2023:





Youth centre, agreement 2024





Residual budget





           10            Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:



List of requests for rights of pre-emption:

  1. discussion                                                                        closed session
  2. decision                                                                            public session




Staff matters:

  1. Appoint to the post of CDD salary group A-2
  2. Appointment to the post salary group B-1
  3. Appointment to the post salary group C-1



Present: Lou Linster, Mayor, Vanessa Baldassarri ép. Demoling , Alderman, Jean-Pierre Roemen, Alderman

Councillors: Patrick Calmus, Marcel Jakobs, Denise Copette ép. Conrardy, Philippe Wilmes, Sandrine Pompidou,

Absent (excuses): Nathalie Entringer

Municipal Secretary: Marc Thill


1. Approval of the agenda:


Mayor Lou Linster welcomes the Councillors and points out that today's main topic is the conversion of the “an der Eech” social and cultural centre. For reasons of urgency, a meeting item has been added to the agenda (ninth remaining budget).

The agenda is unanimously approved.


2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen

Lou Linster draws attention to upcoming events: the “Nuit du sport”, organised in collaboration with the Municipality of Bettembourg, will take place again this year on the “Schwengsweed”. The procession on the eve of Bastille Day will not be starting from the town hall this time, but from the Rue de la Forêt. The reason for this is that, in future years, we want to start the procession in a different part of the town, to give the participating associations the opportunity to make their presence known to the public. On 28 June 2024, the Leudelange school will host a number of workshops as part of the MegaPlus convention. The Minister for Equal Opportunities and Diversity, Yuriko Backes, will also be in attendance.

On the same day, the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee is organising a Filipino cookery workshop in the evening. On 5 July 2024, the Leudelange school festival will be held, followed by a Public Viewing on the Place du Lavoir, which will last until 14 July. On 14 July, still on the Place du Lavoir, a “Hobbymaart” will be held, after a long break.


3. Climate Pact:

a) Leitbild 2024 Municipality of Leudelange, adoption

b) Municipal Procurement Charter, adoption


The pact was presented by the Municipality’s Climate Pact Advisor at the last meeting. A few minor changes were made on the suggestion of the Climate Pact Committee. The charter, which was also submitted for approval, sets out the guidelines according to which municipalities must make their purchases.

The pact and charter are approved without exception.


4. Approval of several sale agreement in relation to the installation of a cycle path:

  1. sale agreement, part of parcel 245/5797 (6)
  2. sale agreement, part of parcel 203/6281 (7)
  3. sale agreement, part of parcels 207/6254 (8) and 208/6255 (9)


According to Mayor Linster, the sale agreements are an intermediate stage in the development of a project which been underway for some time now. This involves the planned cycle path between the Rue de la Vallée and the rural road “A Bouwen”, as well as another section between “A Bouwen” and the rural road “Bannatsch” near Berkebësch. The former College of the Mayor and Aldermen had concluded a number of preliminary agreements and negotiations for the first section are currently underway. It is now a question of the second part. The Municipality proposes that Councillors approve the agreements presented so that the notarised deeds of sale can be drawn up.

The three sale agreements are unanimously approved


5. Approval of an estimate for conversions at the “an der Eech” cultural and social centre:

             Approval of the estimate concerning the following works:

  • Redevelopment of the brasserie and kitchen on the ground floor
  • Extension of the kitchen on the first floor
  • Extension of the music society’s rehearsal room


Mayor Lou Linster and Municipal Architect Tiffany Weber present Councillors with the cost estimate for the conversion of the “an der Eech” cultural and social centre.

Lou Linster explains that the project announced in the election manifesto had turned out to be larger than originally planned. He adds that it is important to bear in mind that we are not building “in the middle of nowhere”, but that we have to make do with the existing structures.

After the works, the new main entrance will be located near the access ramp, but the current entrance will remain usable. There will be an opening between the kitchen and the brasserie, which will allow restaurant customers to follow the activity of the kitchen staff. The brasserie will be operated by Concept Partners, which, in collaboration with the El'le architectural firm, has designed a modern setting for the restaurant and also participated in the design of the kitchen, planned by ERM Namur.

Associations will continue to have access to a kitchen on the ground floor, and an area with fridges and freezers has also been provided.

The drinks counter on the first floor will also be retained, and simply relocated. The current kitchenette will be replaced by a modern kitchen, in line with the ideas and needs of the associations.

The new music room will be enlarged by integrating the corridor into the existing room. In addition, the existing premises of the Youth Centre and the Chorale Ste Cécile will be added. In 2025, the Youth Centre will move to the Maison Steichen and the Chorale Ste Cécile to the music room in the old school.

The cost estimate for the work is € 2,499,354.31 including VAT. Some of the VAT will probably be reclaimed, says Mayor Lou Linster. The Municipality is also counting on various forms of state aid.

According to Councillor Philippe Wilmes, the cost of the conversion is significant, but justified by the creation of an infrastructure which benefits local residents and associations. According to Councillor Wilmes, leisure and community activities, and therefore social life, would be enhanced, and the money would therefore be well invested.

Councillor Sandrine Pompidou agrees that the conversions would make a vital contribution to the future cohabitation of the community. She asks whether the funding was included in the municipal budget. Lou Linster replied that around € 1 million had been earmarked in the 2024 budget for the project, but that it would certainly not all be used this year. Further funding for the project would be included in the 2025 budget.

According to Councillor Marcel Jakobs, this is an enormous amount of money to spend on converting a building which is not yet that old. He is convinced that the costs of € 2.5 million will not be enough. Mayor Linster points out that a number of unforeseen costs have arisen, such as the hot water system, which is in very poor condition and needs to be replaced. Implementing the requirements of the law on accessibility also has a cost.

Councillor Patrick Calmus believes that building or converting is expensive, and many private individuals know this from experience. In any case, he is pleased that a reliable partner has been found to run the brasserie.

The estimate is approved by all the Councillors.

6. Music school:

 Provisional school organisation 2024 / 2025, approval


Mayor Lou Linster deplores the fact that the music school is costing more and more each year. Compared to the 2022/23 school year, costs per lesson hour have risen by 27.46%. According to the Mayor, another part of the additional costs is due to the intake of new pupils. However, Lou Linster points out that this is a provisional school organisation. The definitive version will be drawn up in the autumn, when we will see how many new music students have arrived or are still attending.

The provisional organisation of the music school for the 2024/2025 school year is approved by all the Councillors.


7. Youth Centre, statement 2023


In 2023, the running costs of the Youth Centre will amount to € 284,000, with revenue of € 50,000. Mayor Linster states that to date the State has paid € 130,000 in advances and the Municipality € 100,000. The statement shows that € 14,000 will be repaid to the State, while the Municipality still has to pay a further € 17,000 (all amounts rounded down).

Councillor Patrick Calmus finds the Youth Centre as useful as the music lessons. Young people find it a useful occupation, so the financial effort is more than justified.

All the Councillors approve the statement.

8. Youth Centre, agreement 2024

On the suggestion of “Interactions”, an addition was made to the agreement defining the obligations of the Youth Centre.

The agreement is adopted with the votes of all the Councillors.


9. Residual budget:

The balance for 2023 amounts to € 320,565. The Municipal Tax Collector, Christiane Seyler, is requesting discharge for the amount of € 1,048.85, which is made up of small amounts which are either too complicated to collect or impossible to collect because the creditor has moved abroad.

The discharge is unanimously granted to the Municipal Auditor.

10. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

Councillor Jakobs wants to know when the rural road behind the “Eelchesgewan II” housing estate under construction would be usable again. He was told that the road would be opened up during the summer, but that it would only be accessible to CGDIS intervention vehicles.

 With regard to Marcel Jakobs' question about the car wash near the Scout Hut, the Municipality’s management replies that the facility would soon be ready for use. The Mayor adds that the “Schwengsweed” car park would be resurfaced and that the work at Pëssendall would be completed this year.

Councillor Patrick Calmus asks about the progress of the work on the school playground. Lou Linster admits that the work has taken too long, but that it should be partially completed by 15 July 2024. The second phase of the school's construction should be completed in the autumn of 2024.

A final suggestion from Councillor Calmus concerns a new edition of the “Grouss Botz”. Alderman Jean-Pierre Roemen promises to intervene at the next meeting of the Nature Pact Committee to raise the profile of the event. Councillor Calmus feels that it is important to have everyone involved, including the associations.


11. List of requests for rights of pre-emption

a) discussion        

The Councillors discuss the right of pre-emption on a parcel of land in closed session.                                                              

b) decision                                                          

The Municipal Council does not exercise its right of pre-emption on a parcel of land in the Rue des Roses.


12.  Staff matters

a) Appointment to the post of CDD salary group A-2

No candidate is appointed to the position of fixed-term employee in the A-2 salary group.


b) Appointment to the post salary group B-1

No candidate is appointed to the said post under the status of municipal official, salary group B-1


c) Appointment to the post salary group C-1

No candidate is appointed to the said post under the status of municipal official, salary group C-1