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Publié le 23.09.2024 à 14:01

Rapport de séance du Conseil communal du 11 juillet 2024

Meeting of the Leudelange Municipal Council held on 11 July 2024

Shared space and school organisation

1. Approval of the agenda

2.Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen

3. Approval of agreements with architects and engineers – Redevelopment of the centre of Leudelange

a) Agreement with HBH, project coordinator, phases II to IV
b) Agreement with Schroeder & Associés, phases II and IV
c) Agreement with Ernst + Partner, phases II and IV
d) Implementation group agreement, phase III
e) Agreement with Steinmetz Demeyer STDM Architectes Urbanistes s.à r. l., phase III

4. Rural roads

a)  Approval of the estimate for project 201373 ASTA, road repairs, ex. 2024
b) Approval of the estimate for project 201374 ASTA, road repairs, ex. 2024
c) Approval of the rural roads programme, ex. 2025

5. Agreement with VALORLUX for 2024

6. Request for housing construction
Rue de Bettembourg project

7. Municipal finances, loan of five million euros

Decision in principle

8. Local associations
Handball Leideleng asbl, approval of amended articles of association

9. Primary education
a) Provisional organisation 2024/2025
b) Framework plan for extracurricular activities, PEP 2024/2025
c) School development plan PDS 2024/2027
d) Organisation of school transport 2024/2025

10. Tripartite agreement on the Day  Care Centre 2024

11. Club Aktiv Plus, agreement 2024

12. Accounts 2023
a) Management account 2023, approval
b) Budget account 2023, approval

13. Intercultural life pact
Appointment of steering committee members

14. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen

15. List of requests for a right of pre-emption
a) Discussion (in closed session)
b) Decision (in public session)

16. Appointment of a post in salary group A-1, environmental engineer (in closed session)

17. Appointment of a post in salary group A-1, engineer (in closed session)

18. Creation of an intellectual employee post (m/f/d) with a fixed-term employment contract in salary category A-1 (in closed session)

Present :
Lou Linster (Mayor), Vanessa Demoling-Baldassarri (Alderman), Jean Pierre Roemen (Alderman)
Patrick Calmus, Marcel Jakobs, Sandrine Pompidou, Philippe Wilmes (Councillors)
Marc Thill (Municipal secretary)

Absent (excused):
Councillor Nathalie Entringer
Councillor Denise Conrardy-Copette (represented by proxy by Councillor Sandrine Pompidou)


1. Approval of the agenda

Mayor Lou Linster points out that two items originally scheduled have been withdrawn from the agenda. These are the “Entertainment Tax” item, for which further information has yet to be obtained from the Ministry of the Interior, and the “Eelchesgewan II” item, which had already been dealt with at the February meeting.

All the Councillors approve the amended agenda.

2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen

The Mayor informs the Municipal Councillors that two judgements had recently been handed down in the “Rue de la Montée” case. These judgements are currently being analysed and the Council will be kept informed. Mayor Lou Linster also announces that the “Chargy” station located near the “An der Eech” cultural and community building has been commissioned. The parking spaces reserved for electric vehicles have been marked with signs, and the road markings will soon be in place. A meeting concerning the “shared space” project in the centre of Leudelange will be held on 19 July with all the stakeholders. Due to the tendering of planning services, the process has taken some time, but the planning team is now complete. A preliminary meeting has already been held between the municipal authority officials and the HBH project coordinator to prepare for this meeting.

3. Approval of agreements with architects and engineers – Redevelopment of the centre of Leudelange
a) Agreement with HBH, pilot coordinator, phases II to IV
b) Agreement with Schroeder & Associés, phases II and IV
c) Agreement with Ernst + Partner, phases II and IV
d) Implementation group agreement, phase III
e) Agreement with Steinmetz Demeyer STDM Architectes Urbanistes s.à r. l., phase III

The College of the Mayor and Aldermen presents Councillors with the various agreements with the implementing partners for the major “Shared Space” project. These partners include HBH, acting as project coordinator, Schroeder & Associés (exterior planning), Ernst + Partner (landscaping), STDM (architecture), Ney & Partner (structure) and Betic (building technology). An agreement (point d) governs the cooperation between the various players. LuxStrategy S.A. was commissioned to review the agreements.

Councillor Marcel Jakobs feels that the prices of the services mentioned are rather high. Mayor Linster replies that, based on his professional experience, the prices are quite reasonable. Nine companies submitted bids for the role of project coordinator, five for the landscaping and planting, and even twelve for the architecture. The choice did not always come down to the cheapest bid; other factors such as references, geographical distance and the quality of the planning team were also important criteria. The Mayor adds that, what is more, these are only cost estimates at the moment. The project is budgeted at around € 25 million in the multi-year financial plan.

Councillor Philippe Wilmes believes it is important to explain the financing structure to the people of Leudelange. In this way, it could be demonstrated that this project, while not generating any direct economic benefit, does contribute to the well-being of local residents. It should also be emphasised that the project will be partially financed by VAT refunds and rental income over the coming decades. In spring 2025, the reorganisation of the centre of Leudelange will be presented in detail to the residents of Leudelange.

All the agreements presented are unanimously approved.

4.  Rural roads
a)  Approval of the estimate for project 201373 ASTA, road repairs, ex. 2024
b) Approval of the estimate for project 201374 ASTA, road repairs, ex. 2024
c) Approval of the rural roads programme, ex. 2025
The municipal authorities are submitting to the Councillors the proposals of the municipal technical service concerning the repair of the rural roads in Leudelange during 2025, together with the corresponding estimates.

While some roads will simply be cleaned up, part of the “Laangebësch” will be resurfaced and the rest repaired. Damage to the Hunnefeldchen and Bannatsch roads will be repaired, and the Berend road will also receive a new layer of asphalt. Mayor Lou Linster explains that the latter road is part of the temporary cycle path linking Esch/Monnerich to the City of Luxembourg, which the Ministry of Mobility wants to build before the completion of the “cycle motorway”.
Councillor Marcel Jakobs wonders whether some of the renovations are really necessary, as all the roads are already asphalted. Michel Wodelet, from the municipal technical service, explains that some roads are covered with gravel, which is not pleasant for cyclists. Measures will be taken on others to improve water drainage.

Councillor Patrick Calmus draws attention to the poor condition of the road near the old water tower. Lou Linster replies that this is a forestry road, and that the municipal forestry warden has been asked to start renovating it again this year.

The estimates are unanimously approved.

5.  Agreement with VALORLUX for 2024
The agreement signed with Valorlux in 2021, which is automatically renewed each year, has been amended this time to take account of the new Waste Act and new EU Directives. Manufacturers of cigarettes, balloons, plastic bags and disposable cups must now contribute to the costs of managing the waste associated with those products. Valorlux collects these contributions and redistributes them to the municipal authorities, and Leudelange will receive € 1,300. What is more, the contents of Valorlux bags will no longer need to be sorted at recycling centres - a provision which, as the Mayor points out, does not apply to Leudelange for the time being, as the Municipality is not connected to a centre. Nothing changes for private individuals either, who can continue to present their plastic waste in a single bag for collection.

6. Request for housing construction
Rue de Bettembourg project
With regard to this housing project, Mayor Lou Linster points out that it would have been possible to wait until the existing building had been demolished before proceeding with the subdivision, as it will be spread over several parcels once the land has been divided. However, in order to simplify procedures and move the project forward quickly, it was decided to proceed with the division immediately.

The application is approved unanimously

7. Municipal finances, loan of five million euros - Decision in principle

A similar loan, approved by the previous Council, was not used and has now matured. The Municipality currently has € 7 million in cash, but additional bills are expected due to the construction of phase II of the “Faarwekëscht” building and the school playground, the Mayor explains. Lou Linster gives the floor to Councillor Sandrine Pompidou, who has negotiated with the lending banks. She explains that several loan offers had been submitted. After careful analysis, the Municipality concluded that it was preferable to opt for fixed-rate loans rather than variable-rate loans, as the latter are currently very high and calculated over a very short term. Councillor Pompidou explains that fixed-rate loans are more reasonably calculated and already anticipate the reduction in rates by the European Central Bank. The Municipality, she concludes, wishes to choose the BCEE offer, which offers the most advantageous terms.

The Mayor emphasises the fact that today's decision is simply one of principle. By voting, Councillors would be giving the College of the Mayor and Aldermen a mandate to negotiate the loan in full knowledge of the facts. All the Councillors approve the decision in principle.

8. Local associations - Handball Leideleng asbl, approval of the amended articles of association

In accordance with the agreement reached with the Municipality, the name of the association has been changed to “Handball Leideleng asbl”. This change has been incorporated into the articles of association. The articles of association are unanimously approved.

9. Primary education:

a) Provisional organisation 2024/2025
b) Framework plan for extracurricular activities, PEP 2024/2025
c) School development plan PDS 2024/2027
d) Organisation of school transport 2024/2025

Tessy Loutsch, Chair of the School Committee, informs Councillors of the planned organisation for the 2024/2025 school year. Older pupils will have weekly swimming lessons in Bettembourg. The “forest days” (two half-days for the early years classes, one half-day for the nursery school) will also be maintained. After classes, the children will be looked after by the Day Care Centre staff until the end of primary classes, so that all pupils can leave school together. Of course, there will still be supervision in front of the school and during breaks.

Primary school pupils will have a two-hour swimming lesson every fortnight at the Bettembourg swimming pool. For cycle 2.2, a three-day “classe verte” trip is planned. The LASEP's sports courses will offer a wider range of activities than in previous years, with a view to ensuring that they are followed immediately after lessons.

Tessy Loutsch then proposes a change to the school timetable, suggesting that pupils be welcomed into classrooms from 07.40, that the morning break be reduced to 20 minutes, that the lunch break be extended and that the afternoon break be abolished. In her view, this would help to reduce conflicts caused by children being rushed and nervous, as well as a lack of concentration in class. This proposal has been under discussion for eight years and has been well received by the school committee, teachers and staff at the Day Care Centre.

Mayor Linster is sympathetic, but points out that the school playground has not been available for the past two years, which had reduced the children's opportunities for exercise. He feels that any decision to change the timetable, including the abolition of afternoon break, should only be taken once the playground is fully functional. After discussions with Headmaster Philippe Kloos, it is agreed to maintain the current timetable this year and to return to the subject in the autumn with a view to the start of the 2025 school year.

Tessy Loutsch agrees to this approach. Councillor Philippe Wilmes agrees with the Mayor, adding that such a change must be justified to the public. It is therefore important to wait for feedback on the new school grounds. Councillor Marcel Jakobs also expresses his satisfaction with the delay.

Tessy Loutsch then briefs Councillors on the School Development Plan (SDP) for the years 2024-2027, highlighting key areas for improvement, including pupil wellbeing, French literacy preparation and the digitisation of teaching materials, although she says that the school would not become an ‘iPad school’ - many subjects can still be taught without the aid of digital devices.

Mayor Lou Linster reiterates that the current timetable would be maintained for the time being. The Councillors unanimously approve the provisional organisation 2024/2025, the framework plan for after-school care and the school development plan PDS 2024/2027.

With regard to school transport, Alderman Vanessa Demoling-Baldassarri reminds the meeting that two school buses are currently available. Following a survey of parents in Leudelange, it was suggested that one of the buses be replaced by a “pedibus’” This system, designed for children living close to the school, involves walking the route under adult supervision. However, at least eight accompanying adults are needed to set it up. All applications are therefore welcome.

Councillor Patrick Calmus hopes that the citizens who supported the “pedibus” project will also contribute to its realisation. He asks whether the system would operate all year round and in all weathers, to which Mayor Lou Linster replies in the affirmative, explaining that other municipalities are already doing so.

After consultation with Municipal Clerk Marc Thill, it was decided that the Municipal Council, by its vote, would authorise the College of the Mayor and Aldermen to organise school transport with or without a “pedibus”, depending on the possibilities and at their discretion.

All the Councillors agree, and approve the organisation of school transport.

10. Tripartite agreement on the Day Care Centre 2024 - Approval

The operating costs of the Day Care Centre for 2024 amount to € 410,000 for the Municipality of Leudelange and € 1.23 million for the State. The agreement is unanimously approved.

11. Club Aktiv Plus, agreement 2024 - Approval

According to Alderman Vanessa Demoling-Baldassarri, the agreement, for which an addendum was voted at the last Municipal Council meeting, complies with all the other points of the 2023 version. All the Councillors approve the agreement.

12. Accounts 2023:

a) Management account 2023 - Approval
b) Budget account 2023 - Approval

In 2023, the Municipality's income will amount to approximately € 21,895,740.32 (excluding 2022 premiums) for expenditure of € 22,756,706.40. This leaves € 6,369,424 in the municipal coffers. The accounts are approved unanimously.

13. Intercultural life pact - Appointments of members of the steering committee

On a proposal from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen, and in accordance with the legal provisions, the following members are appointed: Sandrine Pompidou (Chair), Jean-Pierre Roemen (Municipal Council representative), Elena Chirtoaca, Sylvie Lambert-Franzen, Diogo Guimaraes, Marco Michel (committee members). All the Councillors agree with these appointments.

14. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen

Councillor Sandrine Pompidou points out that some of the Day Care Centre staff have recently resigned and wants to know whether these positions would be replaced. Alderman Vanessa Demoling-Baldassarri replies that the Municipality is not involved in the day-to-day management of the Day Care Centre, but that she would ask the management about this.

Councillor Patrick Calmus raises the problem of the “speed bumps” installed in certain streets in Leudelange, which are sometimes torn off by heavy goods vehicles. He wonders whether there are any other solutions. Mayor Linster believes that there are alternatives, but that they would be costly. In addition, the problem of illegal car racing has calmed down somewhat recently, with few complaints. According to Councillor Calmus, the problem has simply moved from the business park to the Rue de Cessange. Lou Linster assures us that a traffic island is planned at the entrance to the Rue de Cessange.

15. List of requests for a right of pre-emption:

a) Discussion (in closed session)
In a closed session, a right of pre-emption over a parcel of land at “Op Hals” is discussed.
b) Decision (in public session)
The Municipal Council is not exercising its right of pre-emption over a parcel of land at “Op Hals”.

16. Appointment of a post in salary group A-1, environmental engineer (in closed session)

No candidate has been appointed for the post of official (m/f/d) in category A-1, subcategory science and technology, of environmental engineer for the Municipality of Leudelange.

17. Appointment of a post in salary group A-1, engineer (in closed session)

No candidate has been appointed for the post of official (m/f/d) in category A-1, sub-category science and technology, of engineer.

18. Creation of an employee post (m/f/d) with a fixed-term employment contract in salary category A-1 (in closed session)
The Municipal Council unanimously decides to create a post for an employee (m/f/d) with intellectual duties in salary category A-1, sub-category science and technology, on a fixed-term contract.