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Publié le 23.09.2024 à 14:00

Rapport de séance du Conseil communal du 21 juin 2024

Meeting of the Leudelange Municipal Council held on 21 June 2024

“Paid parking” introduced in the business park and the Rue de la Poudrerie


  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen
  3. Addendum to the agreement on the Club Aktiv Plus “de Forum” Bettembourg-Leudelange
  4. SIDERO, financial contribution to the costs of renovating the sewers with the City of Luxembourg, settlement for the year of activity 2023
  5. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen
  6. Appointment to the post of “Municipal Officer” (m/f/d), in salary category D, salary group D-1, sub-group with specific tasks
    Decision (in closed session).
  7. Consultative Committee (in closed session)
    a) Resignation of a member of the Planning and Valuation Committee
    b) Appointment of a member of the Planning and Valuation Committee
  8. List of requests for a right of pre-emption

          a) Discussion (in closed session)
          b) Decision (in public session).


Lou Linster (Mayor), Vanessa Demoling-Baldassarri (Alderman), Jean Pierre Roemen (Alderman)
Patrick Calmus, Denise Conrardy-Copette, Nathalie Entringer, Marcel Jakobs, Sandrine Pompidou, Philippe Wilmes (Councillors)
Marc Thill (Municipal secretary)


1. Approval of the agenda
The agenda is unanimously approved.

2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen
Mayor Lou Linster welcomes the Councillors and opens the meeting by announcing that from 1 June 2024, paid parking would be introduced in the “Am Bann” business park and the Rue de la Poudrerie. This step had already been planned by the former College of the  Mayor and Aldermen when resident parking was introduced two years ago. The parking rate is set at € 1, with a maximum duration of 4 hours, applicable from 06.00 to 18.00. The following day, continues Lou Linster, the National Day festivities will take place. All the clubs and members of the Municipal Council will gather in the Rue de la Forêt for the parade to the parish church, where a Te Deum will be celebrated. A reception will then be held in the Rob Roemen salle des fêtes at the “an der Eech” cultural and meeting centre. - On 23 June 24, the “Lëtz Ride” event will also take place at “an der Eech”, as well as on part of the Place des Martyrs. From 5 to 14 July 2024, the “Public-Viewing” festival will be organised, starting with the school festival and ending with the “Hobbymaart” and the EURO 24 final.

3. Addendum to the agreement on the Club Aktiv Plus “de Forum” Bettembourg-Leudelange
Vanessa Demoling-Baldassarri, the Alderman responsible for the Third Age, points out that the Municipality has signed an agreement with the Municipality of Bettembourg and Claire a.s.b.l., which governs the distribution of costs and defines the advance payments to be made. During the accounting process, it was found that these advance payments were insufficient to cover current costs. It is therefore proposed that they be adjusted accordingly.

Councillor Patrick Calmus asks what the proposed adjustment would look like. Alderman Demoling-Baldassarri explains that a 30% increase in the budget is now anticipated from 1 January to 1 April, with a 20% increase for the rest of the year. The split between the two Municipalities will remain the same: Bettembourg will continue to pay 80% and Leudelange 20% of the costs.

The addendum to the agreement is adopted unanimously.

4. SIDERO, financial contribution to the costs of renovating the sewers with the City of Luxembourg, settlement for the year of activity 2023
According to Mayor Lou Linster, Leudelange's contribution to the cost of renovating the sewers has risen considerably, to € 489,000 for the year 2023. Advance payments amount to € 100,000 per year. These rising costs and other factors make it inevitable that the sewerage charges will be adjusted, as the Municipality is obliged by law to set a cost-covering water price, explains Lou Linster. The settlement date will be set over the summer.

All the Councillors approve the accounts.


5. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen
No question has been asked of the Municipal authority.

6. Appointment to the post of “Municipal Officer” (m/f/d), in salary category D, salary group D-1, sub-group with specific tasks
Decision (in closed session)
The Municipal Council appoints Mr Eric Patrick Schmit as a municipal officer with the Leudelange Municipal Council, in salary category D, salary group D-1, sub-group with specific tasks.

7. Consultative Committee (in closed hearing)
a) Resignation of a member of the Planning and Valuation Committee

The Municipal Council unanimously approves Travis Dominski's request to resign as a member of the Planning and Valuation Committee.

b) Appointment of a member of the Planning and Valuation Committee

The Municipal Council approves the appointment of Mr Marco Michel as a member of the Planning and Valuation Committee.


8. List of requests for a right of pre-emption
a) Discussion (in closed session)
In a closed session, the Municipal Council discusses the right to sell two parcels of land.

b) Decision (in public session)

The Municipal Council does not exercise its right of pre-emption for two parcels of land on the Rue de la Forêt.