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Publié le 18.07.2024 à 15:37

Rapport de séance du Conseil Communal du 22.05.24



Meeting of the Municipal Council held on 22 May 2024

Fire in the Municipality: Many thanks to the rescuers!

1. Approval of the agenda:

2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

3. Municipal administrative penalties:

a) Approval of the catalogue of penalties

b) Determination of the administrative penalties

4. Rates for the use of halls in the “an der Eech” cultural and social centre:

Rates, approval (third vote)

5. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:


6. Teaching staff, appointments on the first MENJE list:

a) one post cycles C 2-4, p. 100%                        closed session (post at 100%)

b) one post cycles C 2-4, p. 100% A24-25             closed session (post at 100% during year 2024-2025)

c) one post cycles C 2-4, p. 100% A24-25,            closed session (post at 100% during year 2024-2025)


7. Change of salary group by temporary mechanism:

Christiane SEYLER change to group A-2 (second vote)               closed session


8. Appointment to the post of municipal official (m/f/d), municipal official, salary category D, salary group 
 D-1, sub-group with particular attributions:

    Decision                                                                                           closed session




Present: Lou Linster, Mayor, Vanessa Baldassarri ép. Demoling , Alderman, Jean-Pierre Roemen, Alderman

Councillors: Patrick Calmus, Marcel Jakobs, Denise Copette ép. Conrardy, Sandrine Pompidou,

Absent (excused): Nathalie Entringer et Philippe Wilmes

Municipal Secretary: Marc Thill


1. Approval of the agenda:

Sub-item b) Determination of administrative penalties is added to Item 3 of the original agenda. Under Item 4, the vote originally scheduled is cancelled.

The amended agenda is adopted without exception.

2.  Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:
Mayor Lou Linster informs Councillors that Leudelange's appeal in the case concerning municipal business tax for 2017/2018 had been accepted. The Court decided not to annul the decision of the director of the tax administration, but to annul the decision of the minister. The College of the Mayor and Aldermen is currently analysing the judgement and will keep the Municipal Council informed.

Mayor Linster goes on to thank all those involved in fighting the fire in the centre of the Municipality: the fire brigade, who worked for two days and two nights; the farmers from Leudelange, who helped to clear away the hay; the firm Schroeder & Associés, which checked the statics of the barn; the companies Bonaria & Fils and Bonaria Frères, responsible for demolishing the unsalvageable parts of the building; the electrical contractor n. Folschette and Creos, who were responsible for ensuring the safety of the electrical installations; Luxcontrol, who took measurements of the ambient air; Depolux, who removed the asbestos-containing Eternit; and the municipal staff, who worked around the clock.

After the incident, daily updates were published for a week, so that citizens were kept constantly informed of the progress of the necessary measures through a total of seven press releases.

In the Rue du Cimetière, continues the Mayor, traffic calming measures have been put in place following the citizens' workshop held on 5 February 2024. Not everyone is satisfied with the current solutions, but possible adjustments will be discussed at the next workshop, which should take place before the summer holidays. At this workshop, the Municipality also intends to present and discuss a plan for the Rue de la Montée. According to Mayor Lou Linster, residents should not be forced to take any of the measures mentioned. The Municipality has simply set itself the goal of achieving a sustainable reduction in traffic on the streets concerned.


3. Municipality administrative penalties:

Approval of the catalogue of penalties

Within the framework of the Law on the extension of the powers of “municipal officials”, the legislator has defined 17 offences on municipal territory which will be punished. The police and the Ministry of the Interior are encouraging municipalities to incorporate these offences into their local bylaws.

On a proposal from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen, the offences and related penalties are to be incorporated into the Leudelange municipal police regulations.

The advantage of this is that offences only incur an administrative penalty (as is the case for parking tickets) and do not have to be referred to the public prosecutor's office, and this avoids bureaucratic red tape. If the flat-rate fine of € 25, applied for each offence, is not paid, the fine must be increased to € 125.

Councillor Marcel Jakobs questions the meaning and purpose of the fourth offence, which concerns loading and unloading. Mayor Linster replies that this is hardly a problem in Leudelange, unlike in the larger towns, and that it is therefore expected that the penalty would not be applied.

Councillor Patrick Calmus asks whether the additional fine would be imposed immediately if the first fine is not paid. The Mayor replied in the negative, and it is only then that the State's “sanctioning official” must take a decision.

All the Councillors approve the list of penalties and the definition of administrative penalties.


4. Rates for the use of halls at the “an der Eech” cultural and social centre: Rates, approval (third vote)

The Ministry of the Interior has three further comments to make on the rating regulations, which have already been corrected and voted on for the second time by the Municipal Council: 1. On what basis were the three rate categories defined? The municipal administration's response: on the basis of the corresponding regulations in other municipalities. 2. Do the hourly rates (€ 35 on weekdays, € 70 at night) have to be paid in all cases? Answer: No, only if the concierge's help is required. 3) One paragraph of the regulations states that the College of the Mayor and Aldermen can override the regulations. This is unacceptable. The response is that the passage in question will be deleted.

The regulation will be amended accordingly by the Minister of the Interior and will not have to be voted on a third time.


5. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

Councillor Patrick Calmus asks why the police were present at the Rue de la Gare/Rue de Cessange junction a few days ago. Mayor Lou Linster replies that this was in response to a complaint from a resident in the Rue de la Gare that the stop sign was not being respected at this junction. As a municipality, we asked the police to take action. According to the Mayor, the Traffic Committee did discuss changing the priority rules at this point, but decided not to do so. As part of the implementation of the shared space, other solutions need to be found for this problematic junction.


6.Teach staffing, appointments on the first MENJE list:

a) one post cycles C 2-4, p. 100%                             closed session (post at 100%)

This post is attributed to Mrs FOLSCHETTE Yuliya Marcivna.

b) one post cycles C 2-4, p. 100% A24-25                closed session (post at 100% during year 2024-2025)

This post is attributed to Mrs HOFFMANN Jacky.

c) one post cycles C 2-4, p. 100% A24-25                 closed session (poste at 100% during year 2024-2025)

This post is attributed to Mrs MUTUMBA Shanila.



  1. Change of salary group by temporary mechanism:

Christiane SEYLER change to group A-2 (second vote) closed session

The Municipal Council unanimously approve the appointment of Christiane Seyler, the Communal Tax Collector, to salary group A-2.


  1. Appointment to the post of municipal official (m/f/d), municipal official, salary category D, salary group D-1. sub-group with particular attributions:


In closed session, no candidate is mentioned for a vacancy in D-1.