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Publié le 18.07.2024 à 15:36

Rapport de séance du Conseil Communal du 25.04.24


Meeting of the Municipal Council held on 25 April 2024

Municipal finances and the recycling centre on the agenda




1.Approval of the agenda:

2.Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

3. Multiannual financing plan PPF 2024:


4.Grants to local associations:
Grants 2024, reference year 2023

5. Recycling centre:
Approval of the estimate

6.Dog licence fee:
Change to the fee

7. Municipal cemetery:
a) Grave-digging contract, approval
b) Change to the charges

8.Cooking and pastry-making courses:
Setting the allowance for course instructors

9. Approval of a notarised deed:
Approval of the CREOS easement agreement dated 27 March 2024

10. Approval of a notarised deed:
Approval of a free transfer, Rue des Roses, No. 1209/8029

11. Approval of a notarised deed:
Approval of a free transfer, Rue des Roses, No. 1209/7989

12. Pesharim Sàrl agreement, 16 Rue d’Esch:

13 Housing project, Pesharim Sàrl, 16 Rue d’Esch:

14. Rates for the use of rooms in the “an der Eech” cultural and social centre:
Rates, approval, new vote

15. Presentation of the “Leitbild Klimapakt” (Climate Pact):

16. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

17. List of requests for rights of pre-emption:
a) discussion (closed session)
b) decision (public session)

18. Request for resignation of an official: (closed session)
Approval of resignation, municipal official

19. Request for resignation of an official: (closed session)
Approval of resignation, salary group C-1

20. Creation of a post in salary group A1:
Creation of the post

21. Consultative committee: (closed session)
a) Resignation of the secretary of the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee
b) Appointment of the secretary of the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee

Present: Lou Linster, Mayor, Vanessa Baldassarri ép. Demoling , Alderman, Jean-Pierre Roemen, Alderman
Councillors: Patrick Calmus, Marcel Jakobs, Denise Copette ép. Conrardy, Sandrine Pompidou, Philippe Wilmes
Absent (excused): Nathalie Entringer
Municipal Secretary: Marc Thill

Mayor Lou Linster opens the meeting and informs the Councillors present that the rate regulations voted for the use of the hall at the “an der Eech” civic centre had been rejected by the Ministry of the Interior because the document stipulated that the rates were index-linked. According to the Ministry, this is not permitted. This is why the amended by-law must now be voted on again. This new vote will be added to the agenda as a supplementary (Item 14). In addition, the revised model of the climate pact will be presented at today's meeting (Item 15).
The agenda is unanimously approved.

2. Communications from the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:
Last week, the Mayor announced that he had obtained provisional authorisation to create a 20 kph zone on part of the Rue du Lavoir and part of the Rue de Cessange. This is an important element in the shared space project in the centre of the Municipality. At second instance, the Administrative Court also rejected the appeal lodged by Leudelange and Niederanven against the calculation of business tax for 2019 and 2020. All legal avenues have therefore been exhausted. Further legal action against the calculation for subsequent years and the possibility of an appeal for 2023 will be discussed with the lawyer appointed by the Municipality.
With regard to the “Séieren Tram” project, the “Political Committee”, which includes Transport Minister Yuriko Backes, the Mayors of the six Municipalities concerned and the City of Luxembourg, has reached the following agreement: in 2026, work will begin at the Leudelange-Nord distribution centre, and the tram should arrive in Leudelange by the end of 2028. There are still a few open questions, such as the location of the station. On the other hand, there are no longer any plans to deconstruct the N4; however, three traffic calming measures are already planned for this road and should be implemented shortly.
Councillor Patrick Calmus is delighted that the 20 kph zone has finally been introduced in the centre of the Municipality.

3 Multiannual financing plan PPF 2024:
Mr Frank Leuschen of the MC office presents Councillors with the multiannual plan for municipal finances over the next five years, drawn up in collaboration with the College of the Mayor and Aldermen and municipal staff.
For the years 2024 to 2029, ordinary income is expected to increase by 3.5% per annum, while expenditure will rise sharply, due in particular to high energy costs, which must be brought under control. One area where Councillors see potential for savings is in waste and wastewater management. In this area, the “polluter pays” principle should be applied effectively to reduce costs.
For the extraordinary budget, the council executive is expecting an increase in investment of one and a half times. The Day Care Centre, new school playground, shared space, the Rue Pëssendall and the Rue de la Montée projects are particularly costly. The completion of these extraordinary projects makes it inevitable that we will have to take on new debt, which, given current interest rates, will put a strain on municipal finances.
Councillors' conclusion: Leudelange's overall financial situation can still be considered satisfactory. However, proactive risk management is essential.
Councillor Denise Conrardy-Copette is concerned about the increase in per capita debt. Mayor Lou Linster believes that, as far as the ordinary budget is concerned, everyone agrees that something needs to be done, but that the extraordinary projects have been decided jointly and must be carried out. The financial situation will be kept under control.

4. Grants to local associations:
Grants 2024, reference year 2023
The rules governing grants to local associations have been slightly amended with regard to allowances for trainers and conductors, but otherwise remain essentially unchanged. Total expenditure for the Municipality amounts to € 52,408. Councillor Denise Conrardy-Copette, in her
capacity as Chair of the Finance Committee, emphasises that the members of the committee considered the awarding of such grants to be very important for the life of the community.
The proposed grants are unanimously approved.

5. Recycling centre:
Approval of the estimate
The site for the new recycling centre is located in the business park next to “Peintures Robin”. The facility will be fully fenced and equipped with cameras, and a card system will give Leudelange residents access to it. According to the Mayor, arrangements have also been made to ensure that the various containers are easily accessible by private vehicle. The new recycling centre will cost the Municipality € 670,000. The Mayor admits that this is not cheap, but as the land is on a slope, it has to be stabilised, and that means high costs.
Councillor Patrick Calmus is critical of the fact that too few containers are planned for the site, and that there is no container for wood waste, for example. He feels that the project has been poorly planned, as the number and positioning of the proposed containers would require maximum space for minimum provision. Councillor Marcel Jakobs agrees with this assessment.
Mayor Linster points out that the park is merely an “antenna” with no permanent staff, and that it must under no circumstances compete with larger structures such as STEP or SICA. As we know, Leudelange intends to join a larger syndicate in the near future, which will be able to offer its citizens a much more extensive service than in the past. The materials to be disposed of at the new recycling centre will be discussed again at a working meeting with the Municipal Council and the design office.
Councillor Philippe Wilmes is of the opinion that the current discussion only concerns the mobile structures, which could be moved in a second phase. At present, we only want to vote on the basic infrastructure work, such as paving the site.
Councillors Patrick Calmus and Marcel Jakobs abstain from the vote, while all other Councillors approve the estimate for the construction of the recycling park.

6. Dog licence fees:

Change of the fees
The municipal dog licence fees are set at € 40 per dog per year.
All Councillors agree to this change.

7. Municipal cemetery:
a) Grave-digging contract, approval
b) Changes of fees

The contract between the Municipality and “Marbrerie Hary” concerning the work to be carried out at funerals has been adjusted in line with inflation. The regulations governing charges have also been completely revised. According to the Mayor, the current plan is fairer, as most of the materials required are now charged at purchase price, as is labour. The price of the columbarium has been set at € 2,200. Rates for graves in the ground have been set at € 800 for a single grave and € 1,200 for a double grave. Burials in vaults are no longer offered and will in future have to be ordered directly from “Marbrerie Hary” or another service provider.
Both the contract and the change of charges are unanimously approved.

8. Cooking and pastry-making courses:
Setting the allowance for course instructors

The allowances paid to those responsible for the cooking and pastry-making courses organised by the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee should be set at € 400 for a full menu and € 200
for the small dishes to be cooked. In addition, the materials required for preparation will be reimbursed on presentation of the invoice.
All Councillors vote in favour of the new allowances.

9. Approval of a notarised deed:
Approval of the CREOS easement agreement dated 27 March 2024

The agreement, which had already been discussed at the Municipal Council meeting on 8 February, is unanimously approved.

10. Approval of a notarised deed:
Approval of a free transfer, Rue des Roses, No. 1209/8029

The deed is approved by all the Councillors.

11. Approval of a notarised deed:
Approbation of a free transfer, Rue des Roses, No. 1209/7989

This notarised deed is also unanimously approved.

12. Pesharim Sàrl agreement, 16 Rue d’Esch:
Marc Schmit, from the Municipality’s technical department, informs Councillors of the project, which had already been approved by the previous Municipal Council and which has now begun. The Municipality has taken possession of the front part of a plot which widens in depth. This gives the Municipality the opportunity to create parking spaces in the front part, while the developer can build five houses in place of the existing detached building.
The parking area will be covered with dolomitic gravel rather than impermeable soil, in line with ecological criteria, allowing water to infiltrate into the ground. In addition, care has been taken to ensure that the project includes as much green space as possible, enabling many environmentally-friendly Sicona measures to be implemented at this location. Mayor Linster adds that, although the project has turned out to be more expensive than expected, the Municipality's contribution still amounts to € 110,000.
However, all the measures in the nature pact will also be paid for by the Municipality.
Councillor Patrick Calmus is delighted that this environmentally-friendly project has been completed.
The agreement is unanimously approved.

13. Housing Project, Pesharim Sàrl, 16 Rue d’Esch:
The housing project associated with Item 12 is unanimously approved.

14. Rates for the use of rooms in the “an der Eech” cultural and social centre:
Rates, approval, new vote
All the Councillors, without exception, agree with the new wording of the Rates Order.

15. Presentation of the “Leitbild Klimapakt” (Climate Pact):
Samuel Majerus of the LSC office, in his capacity as Climate Pact Advisor for the Municipality of Leudelange, presents the revised Climate Pact to the Councillors. The document provides information on the basic elements of the Climate Pact for the municipal services and the residents of Leudelange. It sets out the objectives of the pact, such as drawing up a CO2 balance sheet for the entire Municipality, reducing CO2 emissions by 2% per year and ecological planning of development.

16. Correspondence, questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:
No question is put by the Councillors.

17. List of requests for rights of pre-emption:
a) discussion (closed session)
The Municipal Council discusses a right of pre-emption.
b) decision (public session)
The Municipal Council is not asserting its right of pre-emption over a number of parcels of land and properties located in the Rue de la Forêt, the Rue Pëssendall and the Rue de la Gare.

18 Request for resignation of an official: (closed session)
Approval of resignation, municipal official
In a closed session, the resignation of Mr. Christian Pott, an official in category D-1, is approved.

19 Request for resignation of an official: (closed session)
Approval of resignation, salary group C-1
In a closed session, the resignation of Mr Jorge Da Silva, official in category C-1, is approved.

20. Creation of a post in salary group A1:
Creation of the post
A post in salary group A-1 is created for the Municipality’s technical department.

21. Consultative committee: (closed session)
a) Resignation of the secretary of the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee
The resignation of Mr Olivier Nassimbeni from his post of secretary of the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee is approved by secret ballot.
b) Appointment of the secretary of the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee
Mrs Sylvia Frantzen is appointed secretary of the Inter-cultural Living Together Committee