Rapports de séance du 9 septembre 2024
Meeting of the Leudelange Municipal Council held on 9 September 2024
A new employee for the Municipality
1. Approval of the agenda
2. Staff matters (in closed session)
Appointment to a post in grade B-1 (in closed session)
3. Staff matters
Appointment to a post in grade A-1 (in closed session)
4. Creation of a post with a fixed-term contract
5. List of applications for a right of pre-emption
a) Discussion (in closed session)
b) Decision (in public session)
Lou Linster (Mayor), Vanessa Demoling-Baldassarri (Alderman), Jean Pierre Roemen (Alderman)
Patrick Calmus, Denise Conrardy-Copette, Nathalie Entringer, Marcel Jakobs, Sandrine Pompidou,
Philippe Wilmès
Marc Thill (Municipal Secretary)
1. Approval of the agenda
All the Councillors unanimously approve the agenda.
2. Staff matters (in closed session)
a) Appointment to a post in grade B-1
Mrs Nadine Ihry is proposed for the post.
3. Staff matters
Appointment to a post in grade A-1 (in closed session)
There will be no candidate.
4. Creation of a post with a fixed-term contract
The contract for the newly created post runs from 15 September 2024 to 15 February 2025.
5. List of applications for a right of pre-emption
a) Discussion (in closed session)
b) Decision (in public session)
No applicant has been proposed.